Hackley Public Library, Muskegon, MI 12 June 2021


The Hackley Library is a historic library in Muskegon, Michigan located off the shores of Lake Michigan. It was a gift to the school board from lumber baron Charles Hackley and his wife and their portraits hang proudly in the library.  The family was a lumbering family of the Hackley-Hume Lumber Company, that profited well off of the Michigan forests and donated the library to the City of Muskegon Public Schools and opened in 1890. In 1890, the library’s cost was valued at about $12 million. Mr. Hackley was laid out for his wake on the third floor which is now the Children’s area in 1905.


Investigators: Ryan, Brenda, Kaylonda, Dan

EVP captured during Paranormal Investigation

Main Floor

Brenda asks if you can show me you can do it and a female voices says, “yes”

Can you tell me what year it is for you? “Ah huh”

Mumble (Class C EVP)

Do you want to talk with Ryan? “Whoooo”

Spirit Box Sessions

Main Floor

“It’s a Creeper”

Can you say  your name an name is said but hard to tell what it is

Who are we speaking with? We think it says “Colton”

Computer Room

We were trying to determine the year the entity we were communicating with. “1953”

“Hello” “Hello” and “Leave”

We ask if Ryan is correct and get “Hello”

“Mother” who is your mother “Crystal”

Were you part of the lumber industry? “Yes”

Who’s the President?  a name is said and sounds like Taft but Ryan says Dwight

Videos captured during Paranormal Investigation

On the main floor we did an EVP and Spirit Box session. At 4:53 you will see cat ball start to light up to show activity with us.

Ryan returned at a later date and did some individual investigating


Presentation of the findings was presented via zoom on 22 Oct 2021.




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